Why Bronx River?

College Preparation:  

Students take a College Prep course in the spring of junior year and the fall of senior year.  Students complete their personal statements, college research, and all college applications during this course.  In addition we offer multiple opportunities for college visits all four years.

Blue Engine:

One of only 5 Blue Engine schools in NYC, Bronx River has 15 highly qualified Teaching Assistants in every Algebra and 9th & 10th grade ELA class, offering a 5:1 teacher to student ratio (see the website:  www.blueengine.org)

AP for ALL:  

Bronx River is a member of the AP for ALL program, where our students have access to 12 different AP courses, including AP Calculus, AP Biology, AP Language, AP Computer Science and others.


We have a strong Advisory program, where our students will have the same Teacher Advisor for their entire high school career.  The Advisor helps create the partnership between our school and our families, ensuring direct and frequent communication, as well as strong social and emotional support.

Peer Group Connection:

Freshman mentorship program. 11th and 12th grade students are selected and trained by staff to become peer mentors. Following their training, each upperclassman team is  matched with specific freshmen groups where they meet weekly for community building activities.